We came together to celebrate forest and human health, experience and learn ways of taking care of our health in nature which can benefit Earth's health, and how healing country heals ourselves.
Featuring a variety of short workshops, walks and talks for children and adults by Sunshine Coast organisations at Foote Sanctuary in Buderim (on Kabi Kabi country).
This event was part of National Science Week 2023, funded by the Australian Government and coordinated by Jay Ridgewell (Held Outside).
Scroll down for
photos of the day’s activities,
answers from participants : What did you like best about this event?
links to partners & media mentions
event evaluation
Uncle Lyndon Davis, Mooloola Gubbi Gubbi
Maroochy Fruit Lovers
Maroochydore Officeworks
Walkers Meats
Participants and partners were really happy and impressed with our first-time event. Below are some quick charts and you’ve already read some of the glowing comments presented within the gallery.
The most common suggestion for improvements was for more or longer or less overlapping workshops (although there was one request for a smaller event with less!) and for the Foote Sanctuary Association’s fundraising bbq to offer a non-meat lunch option in future. They did however raise $558 and were very happy with the simplicity of their operation.
Some signage to help with finding all the stalls or knowing how steep the tracks was also suggested, as was variations on the ticketing system. There’s definitely an appetite for more Healthy Forests = Healthy Us events!
We’d love to do it again but we’ll need your help!
Please get in touch if you’d like to be a part of another Healthy Forests = Healthy Us day, or subscribe to my newsletter to get notified of events.
Thanks to these folks for sharing our event:
My weekly preview issue 17 August What's On p22
7 Newsroom in Maroochydore – What’s On segment - RosannaNatoli
ABC Sunshine Coast - Sarah Howells 5 best things to do on the weekend 18 August 9:55am
Queensland Science Network https://scienceqld.org/2023/07/17/healthy-forests-healthy-us/
Sunshine Coast Events https://events.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/event/18823428-a/healthy-forests-healthy-us-family-activity-day
Lively 50 Plus https://www.lively50plus.com.au/events/detail.php?EventID=6558
Kids on the Coast https://kidsonthecoast.com.au/event/healthy-forests-healthy-us-family-activity-day/
Sunshine Coast Environment Council https://www.scec.org.au/buderim_healthy_forests_healthy_us
Glasshouse Country and Maleny News https://gcnews.com.au/events/healthy-forests-healthy-us-free-family-activity-day/
Outdoors Queensland https://outdoorsqueensland.com.au/whats-on/healthy-forests-healthy-us-family-activity-day/
ECOllaboration https://ecollaboration.org.au/events/healthy-forests-healthy-us-family-activity-day/
Buderim War Memorial Community Association https://www.bwmca.com.au/events-2-1/healthy-forests-healthy-us-family-activity-day
Sunshine Coast News https://www.sunshinecoastnews.com.au/2023/07/25/community-news-july-2023/
Held Outside newsletters will inform you of upcoming sessions, latest research and ideas to try nature bathing on your own. (view past newsletters here)
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© 2021 Held Outside
Buderim, Qld.
I acknowledge that this area of the Sunshine Coast (Australia) is the unceded lands of the Kabi Kabi/Gubbi Gubbi people and that a sentence on a website is not enough. I do my best to respect country and the elders and teachers past, present and emerging through how I live, speak and work.
May we all tread gently.